Ann – The painters will finish up the Master Suite this weekend, and will also have the Entry/Mud Room/Powder Room area completed. They are already working on the Kitchen/Dining and Office areas. The electricians have started trim-out in the Master Suite, and continue to trim-out behind the painters. The wood stairs are underway, and hopefully […]
Ann – The painters are finishing up in the basement this week, and will be done in the Master Suite early next week. The electricians have been close behind, setting recessed light trims, switches, and outlets. The appliances arrived this week, and we’re waiting to hear from Tri-C Appliance on the installation date for next […]
Ann – The hardscape prep. work started this week, with Powers Excavation beginning at the retaining wall under the north deck, and working CW around the house. Eric with PEI finished the prep. for the boulders at the Master Terrace today, and will be starting on the retaining wall at the driveway/parking area early next […]
Ann – The painters are continuing with finishing on the main level, lacquering the interior doors, staining the beam wraps, and painting trim. They will be finishing the ceiling in the Den/Game Room in the basement, and the last few walls in that area. The finish carpenters are mostly done, and will be finishing up […]
Ann – The interior trim is complete, except for some baseboard in a few areas that will be getting the radiant floor baseboards. The crown molding is finished in the Entry Powder Room, and the hydronic manifold covers are being made and should be onsite by Monday, ready for the painters. The painters are working […]
Ann – The interior trim carpenters are finishing up their work, working on the baseboard on the main level, a little trim in the garage, and they will start on the bottom of the ridge beam wrap in the Kitchen/Dining tomorrow. They will layout the pieces for you and Adam to review. They have also […]
Ann – The finish interior trim carpentry is nearing completion, with baseboard being installed on the main level where possible, and now that the wood flooring is almost complete, they will be able to finish the baseboard on the main level. The veneer for the bottom of the Kitchen/Dining Room ridge beam wrap arrived today, […]
Ann – The carpenters have installed all of the beam and post wraps on the main level, and just have the 2 posts in the basement at the stair opening to complete. The widow sills are all installed, and they will be installing the baseboard over the wood and tile floor areas later next week. […]
Ann – The trim carpenters are continuing with installing the beam wraps, and are almost done in the Livng Room/Entry area. We’ve ordered the material to “skin” the bottom of the Kitchen/Dining Room ridge beam, and hope to have that material on site soon. The tile installers are working on the Entry/Powder/Mud Room floor, and […]
Ann – The carpenters are continuing with the wood beam wraps, and installing the last few pocket doors on the main level. The painters are finishing the doors, starting on the garage finish, and painting trim and final coat on the drywall on the lower level. The cabinet installer has finished setting cabinets in the […]
Ann – We finally received the last of the brown barn wood we needed to finish the Living Room ceiling on Monday morning, and the carpenters have finished installing the barn wood. They have finished hanging doors, and are working on installing the beam wraps in the Kitchen/Dining/Living area. They also installed the door stops […]
Ann The cabinet installers are finishing up in the Pantry, and will have to come back in a week to install the garage cabinets. The drywall has been hung in the garage, and they will start taping and finishing on Monday. They have also been working on the numerous patches due to plumbing hook-ups for […]
Ann – The cabinet installers have finished the Kitchen cabinet installation, are mostly done with the Pantry, have the main parts of the Office set, and should be finishing up with everything but the Garage next week. They left early this week due to the earthquake in SLC, and are planning on being back onsite […]
Ann – The interior finish carpenters are continuing with installing doors, window sills, and trim. The exterior finish carpenters have framed the north deck, and are finishing up the siding and trim. The cabinet installers have finished installing the Den/Game Room entertainment center, and are finishing up the Kitchen and Master Suite cabinets. The Office, […]
Ann – The interior trim carpenters continued on with the interior doors and trim in the Master wing this week, and will be heading back to the downstairs bedrooms next week. The tile crew has been working in the downstairs baths and powder room, and also started the floor tile in the Pantry. They will […]
Ann – The interior trim carpenters have installed all of the rafter timbers in the Kitchen and Dining Room area, and then taken them down while they wait for the ridge beam wrap to be corrected – it was sent 1/2″ short in height. The carpenters have moved on to the Living Room, and have […]
Ann – The drywall finishers will be done with the main level today, and the painters will be starting on Monday with the ceilings and 1st coat on the walls. The drywall finishers will be starting tape and texture on the areas in the basement that were formerly barn wood today. The int. trim carpenters […]
Ann – The trim carpenters are installing doors in the basement, and interior trim. The drywall crew is finishing up the tape and texture in the Office, Kitchen, Pantry, Entry, Powder Room and Mud Room on the main level, and will have that area done tomorrow. They will then work on the rest of the […]
Ann – The drywall is progressing nicely, now that we seem to be keeping our workers onsite! They have finished hanging the main level, and are hanging the basement areas that were formerly barn wood, and then will move to the Garage. The drywall finishers are starting in the Office and Kitchen areas, and will […]
Ann – The carpenters continued on the ext. siding this week, cutting the exterior beam ends, and setting the man-door at the Garage. The trim carpenters were onsite for a few days, and installed the window sills in the Den/Game Room. The interior trim arrived, and as soon as the interior doors arrive next Tuesday, […]
Ann – The masons have finished the stone veneer on the retaining wall, and just have the cap to install. There will be a small area of stone above the basement window that will be installed after the deck ledger and flashing are installed. They will be moving into the basement to install the fireplace […]
Ann – Finally got the drywall delivered this afternoon, and the hangers will start tomorrow. The painter has the paint schedule, and is putting the first coat of paint over the primed drywall in the basement. The masons are finishing up the retaining wall stone veneer in the area that they have tented (75% of […]
Ann – The spray foam insulation finished up this week, and the sound batt insulation will be installed today. They should get most of it installed today, and will work Saturday to finish up. We have an insulation inspection scheduled for Monday morning. The drywall for the main level will be stocked on Monday morning, […]
Ann – Happy New Year to all! Most of the crews kept working through and around the holidays, so progress was made over the last 2 weeks. The basement is drywalled, taped and finished, ready for paint. The insulator is working on the main level, and sprayed the Office, Kitchen, and Dining Room today, while […]
Ann – We passed the insulation inspection in the basement on Monday morning, and the drywall crew will have the basement drywall installed by this coming Monday morning, when we have a drywall inspection scheduled. The electricians passed their rough-in inspection on Wednesday afternoon, and the insulator started spraying the ext. walls and roof on […]
Ann – The masons finished up the chimney stone work, and have set up and are starting on the retaining wall. They also installed the missing fire brick on the sides of both fireplaces, and I let Jeff Morris know he can come back to measure for the fireplace doors/surround. The HVAC crew has installed […]
Ann – The insulators installed the spray foam insulation in the basement exterior walls today! They finally got their electrical problem solved on their new truck, and got a lot done today. The mason’s are done with the stone veneer on the chimney, and are setting the clay flue liners at the top that combine […]
Ann – The carpenters finished the soffit this week, and have been finishing up the pocket door framing and recesses for the medicine cabinets. The roofers are onsite, and have installed the membrane on the garage roof, and will be working on the flat entry roof tomorrow. The floor heat crew from Synergy have finished […]
Ann – The carpenters have one more window to set in the basement, and then the last remaining opening to fill is the front door. The last of the foundation was poured late last week, so the carpenters were able to finish the floor and wall framing on the north side of the Kitchen, and […]
Ann – The windows are being installed, and by the end of tomorrow, most of them will be in. They look great! The soffit crew is moving around the house, making good progress. The plumbers passed rough-in inspection this week, and hopefully the electricians will do so next week, and then we can start insulating. […]
DWAN – 10-31-19
Ann – A cold, and busy, week. The garage slab was poured on Monday, along with the footing for the crawlspace north wall. Both areas were heated for 72 hours, and then we covered the garage slab this morning, just in time for the windows and ext. doors to be delivered. The north wall of […]
Ann – The carpenters are almost done putting down the Warmboard, and we should know tomorrow if we need to order more for the Mud Room, to add floor heat under the open cabinets. Fascia is continuing to be installed, and we should be seeing the grey stainless steel screws early next week to replace […]
Ann – The carpenters worked on starting the fascia this week, and installing the Warmboard. They have been repairing the subfloor ahead of their Warmboard installation, and will be moving into the Living area next week. The steel for the north deck was installed, and as soon as the last section of foundation wall gets […]
Ann – The carpenters are finishing up int. framing details, and repairing the subfloor on the main level, ahead of starting the Warmboard-R installation. They have finished framing in the floor and walls at the SW corner of the Kitchen/Office, now that the crawlspace wall below has been poured. The fascia material arrived this week, […]
Dwan 9-6-19
Ron and all, We poured the large retaining wall today along with the footing at the old garage and one pier in the back for the deck. Subs are working in basement still trying to piece the puzzle together. Windows are set to deliver week of Oct 21. Fascia and soffit are coming week after […]
Ann – Great progress this week on the framing. We set the 2 main ridge beams over the Kitchen/Dining/Entry areas on Tuesday, and rafters are going up. The exterior wall framing at the front of the house is also underway. The house will really take on it’s shape over the next few weeks. The garage […]
Ann – Continued good weather, and good progress. The under slab utilities are in at the Office/Kitchen area (the old garage), and the slab is patched and ready for the floor to be framed over the slab to match the rest of the main floor elevation. The Master wing roof framing is almost completed. The […]
Ann – The larger framing crew is really making progress, with the roof and wall demolition nearly complete, and the Master wing also nearly complete on the framing. The plumbers installed the under slab plumbing in the Office wing today, and the electricians will run their conduits on Monday, as will the HVAC crew with […]
Ann – The steel beam that allowed for the north wall of the Master Bedroom to move to the north was installed Monday, along with the steel beam that will carry the roof framing over the expansion into the wedge shaped area between the Master Bedroom and the Garage. This now allows the framers to […]
Ann – The carpenters finished framing the stairs this week, and today set the large Glulam beam into the ceiling above the Master Closet and Bedroom 112. The shoring up of the basement wall between the Game Room and Mechanical/Storage 103 was completed yesterday when the concrete was poured. The concrete slab was cut yesterday […]