Ann –
The insulators installed the spray foam insulation in the basement exterior walls today! They finally got their electrical problem solved on their new truck, and got a lot done today. The mason’s are done with the stone veneer on the chimney, and are setting the clay flue liners at the top that combine each of the pairs of flues coming up from each fireplace, so the HVAC crew can set the draft fans. The forced air crew installed ductwork on the main level this week, and still have some of the larger duct runs to install in the attic areas. The carpenters set the skylights, worked on interior framing details, cut the ridge/purlin ends at the Master Bedroom, and did a big clean-up this afternoon on the main level. Unfortunately, the waterline locate effort by Curtis-Westwood was a bit disappointing, as they were not able to tell us much we didn’t already know. Taking the input of the excavator, plumber, and others, I decided that finding the curb stop and replacing the waterline would be much easier in the spring, and will not ruin the driveway for the winter. Also, installing conduits, or actual lines, for the future natural gas line and fiber optic line, will be better thought out by spring. The interior doors are ordered with Jay Anderson’s door shop, now we just need to come up with the material for the beam wraps! We should have #’s and samples of Hemlock next week. – – – Dave