Ann –
The interior trim carpenters are finishing up their work, working on the baseboard on the main level, a little trim in the garage, and they will start on the bottom of the ridge beam wrap in the Kitchen/Dining tomorrow. They will layout the pieces for you and Adam to review. They have also set the newel posts at the stairway, and the skirt boards. The painters are working on the interior doors, now that we have come full circle back to the originally approved finish. They are also working on the window sills, final coat on the walls in the Den/Game Room, and will be painting the steel beams in the basement. They should be done in the basement by early next week. The sheet metal sub. installed the black metal fascia on the Entry roof this week, and some of the exterior metal panels around the windows. The exterior finish carpenters will be back on Monday, to finish the prep. for the rest of the metal panels, and to cut off the last of the purlin/ridge beams. They will also trim the perimeter of the deck. The welder is working on the exterior railing, and will be measuring for the interior railings tomorrow. With the nice weather, and drier conditions, we got after the site clean-up this week. Will finish our part tomorrow, and the mason’s will also start tomorrow, and work on Saturday to finish up. – – – Dave