Ann –
The finish interior trim carpentry is nearing completion, with baseboard being installed on the main level where possible, and now that the wood flooring is almost complete, they will be able to finish the baseboard on the main level. The veneer for the bottom of the Kitchen/Dining Room ridge beam wrap arrived today, along with the oak newel posts and skirt boards for the stairs. The countertops are partially installed, with the Kitchen missing the north wall countertop, and the two Powder Room vanities awaiting the sinks. The Garage countertop has been templated, and will be installed when they come back to finish up. The painters are working on staining the beam wraps, the wood window sills, and the trim on the main level. They should have the new finish for the doors by tomorrow, or Monday at the latest, and hopefully this is the product we have been waiting for! The horizontal boring for the waterline, gas, and electric was completed this morning, and just need the plumber to finish tying into the curb stop, getting the new riser on the curb stop installed, and sealing up around the waterline where it enters the basement, and we will be ready for backfill. A lot of site clean-up this week, despite the mess of the utility work going on. Hope to see some dry weather next week to finish up that work, and get started on the hardscape prep. work. – – Dave