Zimmerman 6/2/16

This week the excavator continued grubbing grass and sagebrush from the site. The waterline was located and marked with the help of Gros Ventre Utility. The guys are working on digging out the road and laying structural fill on it. They dug the guest house crawlspace, and will begin prepping it for concrete work next week. The west side of the main house crawlspace is also started. The north berm is mostly built, and they will continue adding to it and shaping it as the excavation continues. Pierson is scheduled for another site visit to stake points in the hole for the ARU crawlspace next week. We have our suppliers beginning shop drawings for the structural floor joists and truss packages, and will review and order these in the coming weeks. Weather is looking great, and this phase of the project is moving along nicely.


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