This week the crew continued to focus on the exterior timbers and pergolas. The 2×6 fir decking for the pergola roofs arrived on Monday, and the cedar fascia for the main house arrived on Thursday. The carpenters are gearing up for tyvek, windows, and fascia install. The preliminary framing inspection for the main house was signed off on Thursday, which includes shear walls and hold downs. Final framing inspection for the guest house was passed as well, which includes all framing, and any alterations to framing members made by subcontractors. This is just in advance of insulation, which we have scheduled for next week, pending additional inspections tomorrow and Monday for rough plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. We had a couple productive meetings with Watchguard, and another one with Kevin regarding interior timbers and the Revision 2 set for the main house. The weather continues to alternate between rain, sleet, slush, and snow. The weekend forecast calls for subzero temps again, and then hopefully stabilizing next week.