After 3″ of snow yesterday, today is cold (13°) and sunny. The excavator finished trenching and laying the water line to the main house, and added the hydrant on Monday. The electrical trench was prepped and ready for Lower Valley’s return on Tuesday. They transferred power from the temporary panel to the main service panel. The electricians have mostly finished rough-in wiring at the ARU, and will return for the low voltage wiring, the exterior disconnect, and the rest of the wire pulling over the next couple weeks. The soffit at the ARU continues, and looks great. The painters continue to apply 1 coat to all sides of the exterior cedar we have on site. The roof shakes are being applied yesterday and today, with about 50% completion as of this morning. The roof framing and sheeting over the great room is complete, and the framers have started building the cold roof and ridge vent over the west side of the house. We expect a bit more snow early next week – Happy Thanksgiving to all, and enjoy the long holiday weekend.