This week the crew focused on making progress on the master wing roof. The structure is all framed, and the guys are working on outlookers, subfascia, overbuild, and sheathing. The painters are on site pre-staining the exterior cedar for the ARU. They will let it dry over the weekend, and the carpenters will begin installing it first thing next week. The electrical service was inspected this morning by the fire department, and once the trenching is complete, it will be ready for Lower Valley to hook it up next week. The excavator dug up the water main that runs to the property this morning, and will return tomorrow to dig and lay the water line to the main house and the ARU. He will also install a frost free hydrant at the base of the northeast berm so we will have water on the site. This will be helpful for the masons, the drywallers, and the painters. The electrical conduit will be trenched in over top of that. Another week of nice weather, and we’re looking forward to getting the main house enclosed in the coming weeks.