Bob & Stacey –
After our wettest October on record – more than 5″ of rain – it is nice to be enjoying some clear weather. For awhile. We poured the front entry terrace and walkway yesterday afternoon, along with the footings for the hot tub. The masons are setting stone on the retaining walls along the walkway today. The excavator is finishing up the leach field, which has been held up by the wet weather. The carpenters are working on the interior doors, faux trim, and blocking. The timber crew is working on the timber corner boards and trim on the exterior of the Living Room. The insulators have installed the insulation on the upper floor interior walls, and the drywall sub. will be stocking the drywall upstairs on Monday, and start hanging on Tuesday. The main floor doors will arrive on Tuesday. We’ve finally buttoned up the chimney caps, and the roofer will be back onsite next week to finish up the roofing. – – – Dave