Bob & Stacey –
Beautiful week of weather, so taking advantage of it and pushing the exterior work. The carpenters are back on the front entry, now that we have some good looking columns. The masons are finishing up the chimneys, and will be starting the terraces early next week. The roof panels were delivered yesterday, and a crew will start installing them on Monday. The excavator set the septic tanks, and is trenching across the back over to the leach field on the east side of the house. He will be working on that all next week. The landscaper did a mock-up of the dry-stack retaining wall, and I’ve included a few pictures – let me know what you think. Bonny will be out soon to review it. The exterior walls on the main floor are ready for inspection, so we will be starting the spray foam on those walls early next week. The carpenters were also working on the Guest Master Bedroom timbers this week, and are almost done with them. – – – Dave