Morse 8/27/15

Bob & Stacey,
This week was mostly about earthwork. The excavator was onsite all week working on installing the drain pipe around the foundation, and covering with washed rock to hold it in place. The drain mat that lines the foundation walls is almost completely installed, and he ties the foundation drain into this. He was able to backfill the crawlspace areas, but has to hold off on backfilling the basement areas until we have the floor installed. He also installed the radon piping in the foundation that goes beneath the basement slab and in the crawlspace. He prepped the crawlspace areas with washed rock and plastic.
Wednesday we received heavy rains – the site is still extremely wet, slippery and muddy this afternoon, but the sun is shining and things should dry out fairly soon. Dave will be back in the office Monday for coordinating the rest of the foundation work.

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