Bob & Stacey –
The site was quite crowded this week, with the backfill of the front retaining walls going on, along with all of the carpentry and masonry work on the exterior, and the subs. pushing to complete rough-in on the interior so that insulation can start next week. The carpenters are working on the exterior siding, fascia, and soffit. The masons are finishing up the back of the house, and will be moving around to finish the front when backfill is completed on Tuesday. A lot going on with the backfill, with drain mat installed on both sides of all of the retaining walls, which drains down to perimeter drain pipe on both sides of the walls, and landscape drains in the center of the 3 “steps” to plumb also. The excavator will move to the back of the house to backfill the new retaining wall outside of the Living Room when he’s done in front. Passed electrical inspection on the upper floor yesterday, so have framing and rough plumbing inspection scheduled for Monday, and the insulator starts the spray foam upstairs on Tuesday. – – – Dave