Bob & Stacey –
Despite some crazy weather earlier this week (a dusting of snow up high!), more than half of the foundation walls were poured on Tuesday. The concrete crew stripped the forms from the outside of the walls yesterday, and will have the inside forms stripped today. They will start setting forms for the 2nd wall pour tomorrow, and we should have the rest of the walls poured by the end of next week. Then it will get very busy, with the excavator prepping the crawlspace and basement areas, the insulator waterproofing the foundation, and the structural steel being set in the basement and the steel moment frames on top of the walls. The pour next week will include 7 exterior piers (5 in front of the Garage, and 2 at the Family Room terrace) that will have the timber column base plates set into them. We have sent these to the powder coater in Idaho Falls to be coated with a dark bronze finish. Gabriel & I decided to go with this color, as we were down to the wire timing-wise, and we wanted to get them powder coated, as that is the most durable finish. If you don’t like the color upon reviewing it on your next visit, we can paint over it, but we’ll still have the added protection of the powder coat finish. The timbers have been ordered, and we should be seeing photos soon on our options. Pete the excavator has been back onsite this week, working on the foundation drain system.