
Bob & Stacey –

Hopefully you didn’t miss my Weather Delay reports this week.  Despite some afternoon showers – it rained very hard yesterday late afternoon/evening – the excavator has made great progress this week.  The guest wing area is prepped and ready for concrete forms, and they are working on the basement area.  If they can avoid the rain during the day, they should have the house foundation ready for the concrete crew by late next week.  The concrete sub. has been notified, and says that works with his schedule.  The power and phone lines have been run, and the transformer set.  Lower Valley Energy came out this morning and hooked up our temp. power panel. Nice to have power onsite this early in the game, as nobody likes working off of generators.  We’re continuing to get pricing on the timbers and the rest of the reclaimed material, and looking forward to Stacey’s visit to go over the choices.  The structural steel shop drawings have been reviewed by the structural engineer and myself, and once they are returned with the corrections, we’ll be ready to order.  The retaining walls are now on the structural plans, and with some added info. from us, we’ll be getting bids on the hardscape.  Hope your travels this week are going well.

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