Bob & Stacey –
The framing crew is now working on the few small framing changes that were made recently on the interior, setting the timber rafters over the Family Room terrace, setting windows, and working on the fascia and soffit. The subs. are continuing with rough-in, which always involves framing changes for the plumbing and heating. Today was proof that April is the cruelest month, as we had sideways rain and snow that shut the framing crew down (the Pass was closed for most of the day!), but they will be back tomorrow to make up for lost time. The subs. hung in there for the day, as they were working under cover. Supposed to clear out and be nice at least through mid-next week. The masons have finished up the fireplaces, and the flues have been ordered. Siding and interior ceiling material lands in Bozeman tomorrow to go to the mill, and then will be headed our way. As soon as it dries out, the excavator will be starting on the front retaining walls and entry porch. – – Dave