This was a busy week at the site. Monday and Tuesday the heating sub was back and installed both furnaces in the crawlspace. They should be wired and operational in the next couple of weeks. The masons are also back on site this week – they prepped the living room walls for the stone and are laying the thicker Montana moss rock first. Tile install is also underway with a good portion of the downstairs and upstairs bathrooms complete. The floor heat cables will be installed tomorrow by the electrician, and then the tile layers can finish up the master bath floor and get ready to grout. The electrician also installed almost all the interior LED can lights and trims, and will continue installing switches and outlets through next week. We also received and unloaded all the interior doors on Wednesday – install will commence next week. Wednesday morning, O’Brien Landscaping had the 25 tons of Frontier patio stone delivered to the jobsite. Today and tomorrow are very rainy/snowy, so terrace prep should hopefully continue next week with better weather.