Bob & Stacey –
Spring like weather is continuing, so we’re having an early mud season. The framing crew has framed and sheathed the last section of the upper roof over Bedroom #3, and has most of the roof over the Family Room framed, and should be sheathing that tomorrow. The Kitchen/Family Room will be a great space, as it should be! The small shed roof over the Dining Room window will be the last roof section over living area to be framed, after the Family Room roof is sheathed. Most of the interior walls are framed on the 2nd floor and main level, and the crew will be finishing that framing up next week, then moving to the basement for that wall framing. We are scheduling the subs. to start rough-in, and they will be starting over the next few weeks. The timbers in front of the garage are almost done, and the timber crew will then go to the timbers at the Family Room terrace. The Isokern fireplaces have been ordered, and should be onsite next week. The mason will start installing them right after they arrive. Expecting the windows the week of 3/21, and after we get the units on the front of the house near the entry installed, the excavator will start digging for the retaining walls, weather permitting. – – – Dave