Bob & Stacey –
Mostly inside work this week, although it has been clear and dry the last few days, so the excavator is back onsite. He is finishing up the leach field, the landscape drains in the front of the house, and will be working this weekend – more nice weather predicted – on the hot tub excavation and terrace prep. The insulator has been spraying foam this week, finishing up the exterior walls on the main level, and the last of the roof areas, including the garage. The electricians and LVE have the electrical service on-line, so we will be running on electrical heat for the winter. They are continuing with rough-in on the main level, and also in the basement. The carpenters have finished up the timbers in the Master Bedroom. They are still doing blocking and faux trim on the upper level. We will be stocking drywall upstairs next week. The HVAC crew has the hydronic snow melt tubing installed and pressured up at the Entry Porch and walk, and we are planning on pouring that next week. Jeff with Heart Four Ironworks measured for fireplace doors yesterday, and as soon as we can get the frames for the doors set, the masons will start with the interior stone. – – – Dave