John & Marlene –
Happy Summer Solstice! Perfect day here today, although we did get some rain this week. The carpenters are wrapping up the framing/ext. finish, and will be done next week, until the drywall is finished and they can start hanging doors and starting the interior trim. They are working on the added timbers in the Living Room and Master Bedroom, and awaiting a decision on the fireplace so they can get that framed in (info. to follow in an email). The windows and door for the exterior of the Screened Porch arrived yesterday afternoon, and they are installed, and partially trimmed on the exterior. The plumbers are finishing up their rough-in in the crawlspace, and the electricians and HVAC crews are done with their rough-in. The insulators are moving fast, and have the walls all foamed and scraped, and have started the attic insulation. – – – Dave