John & Marlene –
A short week, but lots of progress! The 1st floor deck framing is almost done. There are a few floor joists that need to be headered off to allow for HVAC floor registers to center under windows, and then the double rim board around the perimeter will be set. The floor sheathing will go down after that, and then it’s on to the wall framing. The 14 exterior piers were poured yesterday, which support the framing on the 3 exterior decks. I have been reviewing the roof truss drawings with Kevin and the structural engineer, and hope to get those ordered early next week. We are scheduled with LVE to have the electrical transformer set next Friday. It will be nice to turn off the generator and get on the temporary power. After the trusses are ordered, I will get the timbers ordered, and then the exterior window and door package. And, I haven’t forgotten about the schedule! Next week, for sure. Have a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends. – – – Dave