John & Marlene –
Clear and beautiful to start the week, ending with all day rain yesterday, and snow/sun today. It’s that time of year! The concrete crew formed and poured the 15 exterior pier footings, and will pour the piers early next week. The framing crew started Wednesday, laying out the crawlspace support walls and putting plates on top of the foundation walls. They are starting with a 4 man crew for the layout, and will increase the crew next week when they start setting floor joists and plywood on the deck. I will be meeting with the HVAC sub. on Monday to go over floor register locations and fan coil locations in the crawlspace. Mechanical equipment in the crawlspace must be located within 20′ of a crawlspace access, so we may need to add another access on the main floor – will discuss with you and the architects once I know what is needed. Currently there is just one access shown, and it is a bit removed from the main living area. We may need to consider an access in the Pantry and/or Mud Room Closet. I will let you know next week. Just getting started on the schedule, so will send you a copy of that next week, also. – – – Dave