Harris 5/5/16

The cabinets have arrived – Wednesday morning things were unloaded and dispersed throughout the house. The installers will be here for at least two weeks; they’ve started right in on the kitchen and pantry, and simultaneously have guys working in the smaller rooms. Peak Glass had their service workers there on Tuesday making the conversion to operable windows – they will return on Friday to complete this phase, and then again later this month. On Monday (almost) all the light fixtures were delivered and unpacked into the job trailer for install in the coming weeks. Mike installed a good portion of the light switches, dimmers, and receptacles so you”ll be able to turn some of the lights on during your visit next week. The interior trim and baseboard have been unpacked and laid out to acclimatize. The carpenters have finished hanging the doors, and have started installing the trim. I met on site today with DLS about the countertops – the material has been delivered to his fabrication shop in Salt Lake. He will be back next week to pick up the sinks and start making templates as the cabinet guys complete different rooms.



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