Lots to report this week weather-wise, which unfortunately means not a lot to report project-wise. Teton Pass closed Monday night for avalanche clean up and control, and remains closed through tomorrow. Snake River Canyon also closed on Wednesday due to avalanches, and a large wind storm blew out power at Teton Village. The county has declared a state of emergency for Teton Village as crews continue to work to restore operations and power to that area, and all unnecessary travel on county/states roads is restricted. Extreme conditions and road closures limited productivity on site, but the crew was there Monday installing windows and doors. We took delivery of the roof shakes for the main house on Tuesday, and the roofers were able to squeeze a day of work in to finish the metal roofing at the ARU. We also had some snow-shovelers on site trying to keep up with the onslaught, and Boreal brought in a skid steer to clear snow and slush away from the house yesterday. It continues to rain, and we expect subzero temperatures this weekend. Everyone is anxious to get back to work on Monday!