Noeleen & Mark –
Heated up this week, with temps. around 90º, which is very hot for us. The carpenters continued on the north dormer framing, and should have it buttoned up by this time next week. They also worked on framing and demolition around the top of the stairs at the upper level. Several structural headers and columns were also added to the walls on the main level, to pick up the new point loads. The floor framing around the big return air duct on the upper floor was modified so that the duct could be turned 90º, and the HVAC sub. will be out next week to make that change. We’ve located a mini-excavator that will fit up the terrace stairs by the Master Suite, so Monday we will cut the concrete away from the SW corner of the Hot Tub Room, and dig down to the footings. Then we will be ready to execute the structural engineers plan for those foundation walls and footings. – – -Dave