Bob & Stacey –
As usual, April in Jackson is living up to it’s reputation as the cruelest month. Snow and rain in the valley this week, with lots of snow up high. 2+ feet in three days up on the pass, and Targhee has gotten 3′ this week. Not affecting the interior work, but delaying our spring site work and getting back on the exterior siding. The carpenters are setting the last of the rafters in the Living Room, and are working on the perimeter timber trim. Next, the 2 large purlins will be hoisted up to the rafters, and then we can take down the scaffolding and proceed with drywall and stone veneer. The timbers and reclaimed trim is done on the Wine Room, inside and out. They can get started on the upstairs trim next week, now that the floors have cured enough to be covered. The masons are setting the stone in the stairwell, and have finished the east wall and started the west wall. The drywall crew is taping the basement, and will be starting the texture on Monday. The painters will be staining the paneling in the Mud Room early next week, with the cabinet install to follow. The concrete tubs and Powder Room vanity arrived yesterday, of course during a snow squall. We’ve set the tubs out on the Family Room terrace, as we need to wait for the tile floors to be completed in both baths before we set them. The Powder Room vanity did get set, and it looks great. The electricians are continuing with trim-out where finishes are done, and also working on the maze of wires in the Mechanical Room. – – – Dave