John & Marlene –
Clear and cold this week, with the warmest part of the day being just before the sun goes over the mountains. The interior casing is continuing, with the upstairs almost done. The casing is also done in the Kitchen/Dining/Living area, and baseboard will start next week. The baseboard will go quickly. The tile crew is grouting the floor tile on the main level, and getting started on the Jr. Master Bath. The masons are working on the front walkway. Painters are back this week, and working on the interior trim. Weber Drilling will be setting the well pump on Monday, as they keep pushing us, and everyone else, back on their schedule. The carpenters have filled in the cut-out in the back deck, and built the stairs there, and at the Laundry Room deck. They will work on the front steps, and the interior garage steps, tomorrow. – – – Dave