The site was staked by OnSight Surveyors on Tuesday. The limits of disturbance, utilities, and the house corners were marked with wood lath and spray paint. Powers Excavating broke ground on Wednesday, and wrapped up by Thursday evening. The site is now ready for the second round of staking (building corners in the foundation hole), and concrete early next week.
The temporary electrical panel has been placed at the site by VP Electric, and we are on the schedule with Lower Valley to get it hooked up. The work order for the electrical line extension and new transformer has been submitted and we should be on the schedule for the end of this month. The permit for the well is in process with Weber Drilling, and they will most likely fit us in their schedule in a few weeks.
The weather has been hot and dry, which makes quick work for the excavator and concrete subs. It’s a beautiful site, and we are looking forward to seeing your home develop.