Harris 12/10/15

This week the site went from a snow covered lot, to a cold, slushy mud pit, and back to a winter wonderland – all in the space of four days. We hit record high temperature yesterday for the valley, but more snow is expected today through the weekend. The roofers delivered several pallets of shakes and flashing early this week, and mobilized a crew on Tuesday. They have several shake sections complete and will continue roofing through next week. The electrical service closet is complete, and was inspected yesterday. Lower Valley was onsite this morning to connect the transformer to the service, and will return tomorrow to energize everything once the excavator has backfilled the remaining open trench. We hope to see the revised plans, including the interior elevations, this week and will get them out to cabinet, countertop, tile, and millwork/door subs for pricing.




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