Harris 8/20/15

The framers made a lot of good progress this week. They were able to get most of the floor joists installed by the beginning of this week. We had a crawlspace framing inspection, and then moved on to installing the floor plywood. Today the framers waterproofed the floor ply with a sealer – this will protect the plywood in the event of rain. They then snapped lines for layout on to the plywood, and will begin framing the walls tomorrow. We have a steady stream of lumber deliveries arriving on site that should take us all the way to the roof framing.
The excavator was also onsite this week completing the prep for the garage slab. We will insulate it next week, and will pour the concrete early the following week. The framers will continue wall framing, and the steel fabricator will be on site to raise and set the steel frame over the garage, and deliver the steel headers for two of the windows. We are waiting for a review of the truss drawings from the structural engineer, and hope to get them ordered soon.
You can see just how hazy the valley is this week! Smoke from wildfires in Idaho and Montana have made for some very gloomy skies. Hopefully it clears out over the weekend.


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