September 21 and the first photo of your update shows snow on the roof. Heavy snow up high in the mountains, but we’re expecting sun and warmer temperatures again next week. Fates flooring has installed the oak floors in the master/office area, and are doing final sanding and staining today. They will put a coat of poly on tomorrow, and we’ll be ready for baseboard on Monday. The trim crew is wrapping up doors, base and trim in the basement. They also installed the front door and will trim it out so the masons can complete the stone work at the front entry. Tile sub has finished the guest bathrooms, and has started in on the entry powder tile wall. The electrician has trimmed out most of the outlets and switches in the guest wing, and most of the fixtures and cans. The plumber is working on the water and waste lines in the mechanical rooms, and the HVAC guys are working on remaining duct work and furnace install. Trucks start arriving today with the site fill for the final berm, berm extension, and site fill. Pete will be back to finish the excavating as soon as the site dries out a bit more.